Monday, March 27, 2006

It's official!

We finally have orders, a townhome, and a signed contract! WOO HOO! The packers come on April 24th and we will head out on April 26th for DC...Thanks for all your prayers in getting everything to line up! We are very excited but have a super busy month ahead of us.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Baby Abbie Grace

We had a 4-D ultrasound on Saturday and got to see Abbie Grace! She is so cute:) Her pictures look exactly like Ian's did. She is a very active baby, especially about 2 am!

Still no word on when we are moving but we have a buyer for our house and they have one for theirs. It will all work out but whew is it hard to wait!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

South Carolina

Ian and Tammy went to SC this past week to visit friends and family. They were so glad to see so many folks. Ian got to play with Angela's little girl, Katie, and had a great time. We went to Charleston for one day and Ian attended his first oyster roast and crab boil. He enjoyed the corn and sausage the most:)

We are so blessed to have the friends and family God has given us! We can't wait to see more of you soon!