Sunday, May 21, 2006 update!

I am so sorry it has taken so long to put a new post out here. Thank you all for your many encouraging emails, calls, and prayers. We could not have done it without them! Things are finally settled and out townhouse feels like home. We hung pictures on the 2nd and 3rd floor Friday so now only the playroom/office to do.

Ian is adjusting well. He is going to a home daycare on post currently but we will be switching him to somewhere closer to home on June 12. We love the place he is going right now but even though it is only 9 miles away it takes us about an hour and forty five minutes everyday to get him there and home. The new place is only 8 minutes away with traffic! Woo hoo! Hopefully he will continue to adjust well. He loves his new bunk bed with the trucks all over it:) The hardest adjustment for him is not having a back yard. More than once he has darted into towards the street because the garage is open which gives mommy a heart attack! There is only about 10 feet between the garage door and the street so we are trying to train him.

Abbie Grace is on track to be born June 23 at 7am. She will be born at Bethesda Hospital...the President's hospital:) Joe and I feel so comfortable with the hospital and staff. I wasn't feeling well on Wednesday this past week so they had me come in and within 5 minutes I was hooked up to all kinds of machines to monitor both of us and Abbie Grace was having a biophysical ultrasound done...she's really healthy! I am measuring 2 weeks big and they anticipate her being as big as Ian was...9 lbs 12 ozs. We did get really good news that Joe will be flying home Thursday June 22 for her arrival! He will take the red eye out of AZ on Wednesday night and then leave Sunday morning. What a huge answer to prayer though! Kerry, Joe's sister, is still going to come in and be here for a few days to help once Abbie Grace arrives along with Joe's mom, dad, and then my Daddy and Granny will come in. Hopefully this time will be much easier than with Ian. Tanya, one of my good friends, lives around the corner so she will be helping too:) What a bless family we are to have so many wonderful family and friends!

Let's see...unpacking was loads of fun. Kim from Clarksville come out with us and was the most incredible help we could ask for. She worked late, sometimes without being fed and never complained! We got all the boxes unpacked within a few days and then started putting things in its place. Kim and I went to DC one day for some sightseeing and Kim went back by herself a couple of times to make sure she saw all the big stuff.

Church...we have visited the same church for the last 2 weeks and like it. Our friend and one of the pastors of Grace, Ron, gave us a list of churches to try and this one is closest to our house. They currently meet in a school and the church just approved to start building on some land they have had for a year or so. If all goes as planned the first service in the new church will be in Sept. 07.

Joe is taking a couple of weeks off to rest prior to leaving for school. I am still working full time, hopefully until Abbie Grace comes. I plan on taking some days off here and there so that we can take Ian to the zoo and spend some time with Joe prior to the new baby.

Well, I think that sums up our life this past month. What a whirlwind! God has been so good and protecting and providing for all of us though. I definitely do not recommend anyone moving at this stage of pregnancy:) But now that it is over I am so glad!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Quick Update

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update that we are here in Northern Virginia. We arrived last Thursday evening. We absolutely LOVE our townhouse but don't have our stuff yet. It is supposed to arrive Tuesday May 2 so hopefully we will spend our first night there tomorrow. Ian is getting spoiled but loving every minute of it at Popie and Grandma's! We have been able to start the process of finding a dr here to deliver little Abbie Grace. So far it looks like we will probably deliver at Bethesda in Maryland since they have a really good high risk unit. Definite dates for the delivery next week!

Thanks for all your prayers as we have been transitioning. Ian will most likely start temporary home childcare next week until a space becomes available at the permanent daycare he will attend. Pray for an easy transition for him (and mom)!