Here are a couple of funny Ian stories for you:
Last night Abbie Grace was sleeping in her bouncer and when she woke up she started crying. Ian went over to her and said "SHHH be quiet!". He then started in with his Ianese (own language) and lectured her for about 30 seconds before I had to stop him.
I've started having Ian sleep with his door closed so that he is not waken by Abbie Grace. He has a baby monitor in his room so that I can hear him though. This morning the trash truck came by about 7:15 and woke him up so I heard him looking out of his window looking for the truck. Once he was bored with that he laid back down and said ""mommy vere are do is cosed."
He is such a funny little boy and growing up so quickly. He loves his new daycare and is doing really well. This morning when he got there, he walked to the sink and washed his hands all by himself (daycare policy that they have to wash their hands as soon as they get there). Then he looked at me and said "Bye bye mommy" and blew me a kiss. He acted like such a big boy I wanted to cry!