Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blowing Bubbles

As many of you know Evan is not in daycare right now so for part of the day he stays home with me while I work. The other part of the day he goes to Tabitha's house so that I can get some focused work done. Well, today I was on an internal call and Evan starts blowing bubbles and talking up a storm. It was very entertaining for all participants of the call! One day last week he was eating while I was on a call and then let out this huge burp. One of my co-workers said "man, even I feel better after that!".
Please pray that we get him into daycare soon though. He's been on the list for 11 months now and we are number 8! With Joe leaving soon I will need to be able to focus and get things done during the day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

3 Months

Random Pics

Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Hotel Pool

Ian loved the hotel pool. He and I would go down there every other night or so. By the end of the 2 weeks he was jumping off the side, swimming to the other end and then back (with a life jacket on). We are hoping to start swim lessons soon with Azilee though. Abbie Grace went down with us one night but didn't get too far off the stairs. I love her little bathing suit! Great Grandma Jean got it for her. She had to wear Ian's Nemo suit to get in the water though. SHe looks so funny!

Sleeping Angels

Ian and Abbie Grace slept together at the hotel in NJ. There were quite a few picture moments of the week babies. There were other times I thought I would lose my mind too when they woke each other up at 6am!

Great Grandma's

We went to see Joe's grandma a few weeks ago in Virginia Beach.