Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallloween 2008

Star Wars came to the Becker Household for Halloween this year. Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Yoda had a great time entertaining the neighborhood with their themed costumes!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Marine Corp 10K

I ran in the Marine Corp 10K this past weekend. It was a lot of fun. There were 30,000 runners total...25,000 marathon runners and 5,000 10K runners. It was tons of fun but I hope to run it with some girlfriends next year as it was a little lonely at times!! This was by far the most emotional race I had ever run as many runners wore shirts in memory of soldiers who had lost their lives and there were even some soldiers out running with prosthetics....quite humbling. I was able to use the time to pray for those soldiers, their families, and our soldiers who are currently fighting for us.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Evan - 11 Months Old!!!

Only one more month until our baby turns's just so sad. Where has the time gone? Evan is close to walking. He loves to dance every time he stands up though so he always falls over! I'll have to try and get his dancing on video for yall to see. It is very funny. At night when we sing our dinner prayer he bobs up and down like its some kind of techno song:) What a funny boy!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Fun

Sorry it's been so long since we have's been busy busy busy!

Ian is now in soccer so we have a game and practice a week. He and Abbie Grace are also in Awana's one night a week. Awana's is like a Christian scouts program where they memorize bible verses, play games, etc and earn patches for certain milestones. Ian's memory is amazing with these verses! It's helping me to memorize scripture too! Evan had tubes put in his ears last Friday and is doing great! He came out of the surgery like a champ and is already gaining balance and could be walking soon:( Here are some pics of our latest fall activites...Cox farm, soccer, potty training, etc. Hope you are all great!