Friday, November 30, 2007

Big Feet

Look at the size of Evan's feet! They were so big they went outside the block when they took his footprints after he was born. They are so cute though:)

Evan's First Bath

Evan had his first bath this morning and was not a big fan!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Prayer Request

Evan went in for his 2 week appointment today and they heard a heart murmur. They did an EKG though and it looked good. So now we go to a pediatric cardiologist in a couple of weeks for him to evaluate. Please pray that the murmur will go away and guide the Dr's as they evaluate. This is a pretty common thing but it's still scary when it's our little guy:) Thankfully God is in control!

Life Sure is Tough for a Baby!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Putting up the Christmas Tree

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas Pictures

Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas Pics

Here are the kids Christmas pictures...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Doing Great!

Thanks for all the emails and calls! I promise to return them...eventually:) Evan and I are resting this morning while the rest of the family is at church. Thankfully our church has an Internet campus so I am able to "be there" virtually.
Evan is sleeping as well as can be expected for 4 days old! He doesn't like to be alone in his crib so we spend much of our night alternating patting him on the back and rocking him. He is sleeping quite contentedly right now next to me in our bed though! I feel amazingly well, thanks to all of your prayers! Still sore, of course, and wear out easily but knowing what to expect with each c-section makes it easier.
Ian and Abbie Grace are doing wonderful with Evan. No real issues...though they may come:)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Big Meeting

So the introductions went well:) They ran in the door and I met them on the stairs and we had our hugs before Evan was introduced. Abbie Grace was very excited to see Evan and immediately touched his feet (daycare has been working with her and babies and that you only touch their feet). Ian said he was cute and then wanted to move on. Evan brought Ian and Abbie Grace coloring books and crayons which they have really enjoyed playing with.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Evan is Here

Evan Joseph Becker arrived Wednesday November 14th at 10:58 am. He weighed in at 8 lbs 14 ozs and is 19 in long. He is the smallest of all our Becker babies! He and I just got home from the hospital today (Friday) so he hasn't been introduced to Ian and Abbie Grace yet...that is coming in a couple of hours. He is a sweet little boy though and loves to be cuddled!

I am doing well after the c-section. I am definitely feeling all 32 years today though! As soon as we got home I went straight to bed for a few hours! Joe is awesome, o,f course and is taking care of both of us.

More pictures to follow after Big Brother and Big Sister are introduced!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Rare Moments

got a couple of pictures of Ian and Abbie Grace this morning when they were actually playing together and not hitting one another!

39 Weeks

Only 5 more days and Evan will be here! Here is the last picture in the Evan Belly Pics series! Next you will get to meet the little guy! On Sunday we measured my waist and it was 48 inches...yes that is 4 ft around!

We go in on Wednesday at 5am and hope to go into surgery pretty quick after we get there but it will depend if any emergencies happen that push me back. Please pray that I will stay calm and that the delivery will be safe for all!

Joe's mom will be here with Ian and Abbie Grace. Please pray for them as well. Ian sorta gets what's going on but Abbie Grace is clueless! She just doesn't know how her world is about to change:)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Trick or Treating

Trick or Treating was a success for us! Abbie Grace was quite content to go to a couple of houses and then come home and eat her candy while I passed out to the other Trick or Treaters. She tried to help herself to more candy at each of the houses and tried to go into a couple as well! Thankfull they were neighbors!

Popie and Grandma took Ian around to lots more houses though (Joe is out of town). He came home with a full buckets and lots of stories about skeletons! Ian wanted to eat his candy when he got home too but somehow I convinced him that carrots were better! So he ate a bowlful of carrots after his big night! That will probably never happen again!